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June 21, 2023

Twilight Muse - New York City Pop Duo on the Rise to Musical History

Twilight Muse - New York City Pop Duo on the Rise to Musical History

Meg and Andrew met in 2019 at an open jam session. At the time, both had put pursuing music on hold while they juggled family responsibilities and time-consuming careers.  Meg, an entertainment exec then in her mid-30s, was a self-described “car singer,” but came from a musical family. As a kid, she wrote poetry and passionately wrote down the lyrics to the songs she loved. Andrew has been writing and playing music since high school, but after college got sidetracked by an evolving career as an author, sustainable business strategist, and impact investor. As he neared his 50th birthday, he resolved to pursue music again.
Andrew and Meg’s first project, Ultrasound, a funk cover band, began to perform actively around New York City. A highlight was a benefit concert at Brooklyn Bowl, which found them performing Aerosmith and Run-DMC’s “Walk This Way,” with Meg laying into the Steven Tyler part alongside legendary Run-DMC member Darryl McDaniels. That experience sparked Meg and Andrew’s desire to write songs together. This was Meg’s first time writing and recording original music, and she was exploding with ideas, sending Andrew voice memos and lyric fragments. The two worked collaboratively and nurtured a rapport that reminds one of Tom Petty and Stevie Nicks, the Swell Season, or the xx.

This is the dawn of Twilight Muse. Contemplating their journey, Andrew says: “This partnership has been such an unexpected gift. I hope others are inspired by the idea that a creative pursuit and collaboration can come later in life.” Meg adds: “This calling came and I'm 100% in. It’s never too late to unleash the imagination.”

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